Fertility & Trying to Conceive

Wherever you are in your journey, find the information and movements  you need to help you along the way.  

" Get to know your body and have a baseline for the rollercoaster ride"
Yoga and mobility with mel

Trying to Conceive

Whether you have been newly trying to conceive or it has been years.. it can be an anxious, nerve wracking wait. If you have also experienced any previous miscarriages it can make you even more nervous and stressed! 

Firstly, staying fit and active is incredibly important to prepare yourself for one of the biggest journey of your life. 

Secondly, being aware of your pelvic and core area, knowing baselines will help you through and after your pregnancy. 

Lastly, finding ways to down-regulate and sooth your very likely over-active mind are essential for you. Trying to conceive can take a bit hit on your mental health. 

Work with me.

I’ve been there and done that! My own infertility journey, several IUI’s and IVF. I understand the toll it takes on the body and mind. 

Work with me 1 to 1.  Ask me how.  Want to join group sessions? Get on the list for any upcoming group availability.    

Assisted Fertility & TTC

TTC = Trying to Conceive.  Whether it has been 2 weeks or 2 years.  Here’s help for your journey. 


trying to conceive


Pregnancy & Childbirth



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