Do You Have Aches and Pains?

Do you have pain? Maybe not persistent, but something that comes and goes?  Do you feel restricted in the amount of mobility or movement you have?  Do you have areas in your own sport where you are struggling?   Do you want to train smarter, not harder?

aches and pains KL

Join us Sat 7th March, 2020 from 12-2pm at CrossfitLah for a Mobility Workshop to learn about your own ‘workspace’ in your joints, limitations, compensations and a daily routine you can do to self assess and be able to do the things you want pain free!

You will learn about Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), a thought process on how to improve and expand on an individual’s mobility. A prerequisite for movement, or whatever it is you want to do.  The backbone of FRC is a daily warm-up and assessment tool with Controlled Articular Rotations (CARS). 

In this workshop we will learn how to perform CARS, assess each joints to ensure proper movement, compensations, what mobility deficits you might have and how to move forward.  The workshop will provide the background to further understand what CARs represent and how we can analyse them more to glean valuable information about the capacity of each articulation. From this we will understand that to truly value CARs and their importance, it is necessary to view them as a type of movement skill that can ultimately lead to the transfer of learning to other movement skills.

Flexibility is Passive. Mobility is Active.

Flexibility itself is passive, having mobility is active and means you OWN the range of motion.  Learn how to move your joints independently before moving them interdependently. This will increase controllable range of motion to expand or improve an individuals mobility or simply ‘make stuff work nice’.

Oftentimes, the problem is not the activity that you are doing, but the bodies we are doing them with.  Come assess your baseline, compensations you may be doing, and learn how to move well! You can also join any of my classes at CrossfitLah by signing up here. If you are looking for private one on one assessments and sessions you can contact me here. If you want to join Saturday 7th you can register here, a RM60 drop in fee for non CrossfitLah members.

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